
Archive for the ‘RaptureWatch ’11’ Category

Wow!  I’m SO EXCITED to be here for this unique, historic event!


RaptureWatch ’11!

Experience it with me!  Minute by minute.  Hour by hour.  Or, at least every hour and a 1/2 to two hours.

As you know, authority on all things planetary, Harold Camping, a minister in Oakland, California, USA says that the Rapture will hit New Zealand first with thunderous earthquakes that will spread all across the whole planet. 

That is SO generous of Camping to bestow upon us such a prophecy, because here in the Southern Hemisphere, we could not BE more ecstatic about EARTHQUAKES.

Starting tonight, most of the people on the planet have been scheduled to be killed by God.  *Yes, THAT God.  You were thinking some Other god?*

A few people will be saved.  Some people will be killed and then saved.  Many more might be killed while they’re being saved.  And, one may be saved while being killed.

You really don’t want to miss it!

6pm New Zealand time!

Since I live HERE – i.e. where the planet’s supposed to go ape@#$%  in a matter of hours – I’ll be blogging right up until then, keeping you up-to-date on all the pre-Fire and Brimstone action you can handle! 

[…after which point, I’m going to my favorite Greek restaurant, which I know will still be there because it’s called Muses Taverna, and frankly, it’s protected by some of the Greek gods, who like to show up there to eat from time to time – the food is worthy of Mount Olympus.  I have such a crush on Pan!  His little goat feet are so cute! And MAN, can he can dance!]

Sorry, where were we?

AH, strap yourselves in.  We’re in for a WILD RIDE, from what I’m hearing.  Hellfire!  Damnation!  Locusts!  Snakes!  Jetpacks!   Oh wait.  No.  Not jetpacks.  I thought someone said something about jetpacks…never mind.

By the way, do you know if your pets will be taken care of when you’re busy either being tortured, killed, crushed by the earth’s layers or all of the above?  Do you even really care?  Would you like to leave your heathen loved ones Left Behind a brief note, perhaps, so they don’t feel so bad about dying in the Apocalypse while you get transported to a galaxy far, far away?   Do you have a plan in place!

JUDGEMENT DAY IS HERE, people!  I sure don’t want to be Left Behind, do I!

*No really, do I?*

First, here’s a helpful video so you know WHAT TO DO: Your Pre-Rapture Checklist

And, we’re off!


*Cue the Epic Music…*


RaptureWatch ’11: @9am

Well, it’s a beautiful, sunny, crisp, Autumn, Saturday morning here in Wellington, NZ. No hint yet of the hellfire, damnation, and general horrible-ness to come in, oh, roughly 10 hours.  And so,  since it’s still morning, I’m going back to sleep.


RaptureWatch ’11: @11am

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! 

No, seriously. A couple of seagulls just flew by.

An AirNZ flight to just took off for Nelson.

And, a bunch of hopeful surfers are sitting in wave-free Lyall Bay.

*sigh* Now I know EXACTLY how National Geographic feels.

In other news, it’s no longer sunny and it has clearly been drizzling, but it smells really GREAT outside!

I’m going to go eat my breakfast.

Stay with me…!


RaptureWatch ’11: @1pm

Ooops, did I say National Geographic?  I meant, Horse and Hound!  Really!  Come on, guys. CRANIUM?  Can you say, Desperate!

Nope, haven’t seen any Eager-Beaver-Early-Naked-Floating-Fundie-Fanatics yet.  (Say THAT 10x in a row. I was going to call them “Floaters”, but that sounded Wrong.  And, frankly, I didn’t think Pre-Floaters sounded any better.]



RaptureWatch ’11: @2:20pm

Hmmm. That cloud looks an awful lot like THE FIST OF GOD, reaching down from The Firmament to Beat Down some Heathen Aaaaaaand now it’s a bunny.


RaptureWatch ’11: @3:00pm

While we’re on the subject of bunnies – You heard me.  BUNNIES – we are going to pause for a short interlude and a song.  I believe that if most of us are going belly-up by the end of this night, we should at least get a last song.  Also, some chocolate.  A bar or two of the Lindt Excellence would be nice.  The one with Sea Salt.

Sing-along now!

Bunnies aren’t just cute like everyone supposes.

They got them Hoppy Legs and Twitchy Little Noses!

And, what’s with all the Carrots?

What do they need such good eyesight for anywayssss.

Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be Bunnieeeees!

I’ll be back! 

(Oh, just forget I said that. *shudder*)


RaptureWatch ’11: @ 4:00opm

A certain member of our household has decided to hitch a ride, should the appearance of random space ships accompany The Rapture this evening. It’s a very sad day for our little household.  He/She/It just missed his/hers/its cat too much.  I can empathize.


Back Soon *sob* With more from the Front Lines. *sob*

To be honest, he/her/it got a “note” from his mom. His/hers/its chores had piled up. His/her/its cat’s pee-ocean had several new species evolving in it – a forgotten research project, apparently.  I got four words for you. Alien. Cat. Litter. Box. *shudder* 

College exchange students. What can you do!

* paging Stephen Hawking…paging Stephen Hawking…  Drat!  Where’s Carl when you need him!  NeilSETI?  Anyone?


RaptureWatch ’11: @4:54pm

T-56 min to The Rapture. It’s doesn’t look so Rapturous now in the light of day, or night, or afternoon or whatever – does it?  It’s getting dark-er outside. Still with the planes and the birds and the surfers (see 2nd report w. pics) – only now Steven is one of the surfers.  Great, now I have to worry about him getting swallowed by a tsunami, while I’m getting flattened by our 3rd floor and splattered across our couch.  However, still no Earthshaking (at least any more than normal) or Fire and Brimstone or Giant, Man-eating, Rapture BUGS yet.


RaptureWatch ’11: @5:15pm

Steven! YOUR Dragon is into the Pringles again!  I knew I never should have brought that egg back from Wales!  I barely made it through MAF, pretending I was four months pregnant.  Never again.  He’s already been eating us through house and home, and he’s already fully grown!

The Rapture, Aliens, Dragons in my food. Depleting chocolate supply. What ELSE today!

BAD Owain! BAD Owain! You’ll ruin your dinner!  What?  No, Owain, I didn’t mean it.  We LOVE you as if you were our OWN…mythical …being!


RaptureWatch ’11: @5:50pm

HELP!  HELP!!  The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! *mmnnmppppppffft* ……….

Sorry about that, folks.  Dammit, Chicken Little! This is so NOT the time.


RaptureWatch ’11 @6:00pm

*Carl? Carl?  Sagan?  Is that you?*


RaptureWatch ’11: @6:15

“Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht.”

A Silent Night it is.  A Holy One – not so much.  We’re still standing.  Shocker:)

I hope you enjoyed your RAPTURE DAY with me!:)  HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND, EVERYONE!

p.s.  Blue got a lift home with some friends in their very fast spaceship. 

         Carl Sagan was on board. 

         [Lucky BASTARD!]

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